What's included ?



All the CSS and SCSS files that constitute the Mozaic SCSS framework.


Some variables are generated into and imported from the tokens package directory (@mozaic-ds/tokens/build/scss).

├── settings-tools/
│ ├── _s.***.scss
│ ├── _t.***.scss
│ └── _all-settings.scss (this is a sub bundle containing all variables, mixins, and functions import only this one)
├── generics/
│ └── _g.***.scss
├── elements/
│ ├── _e.***.scss
│ ├── ...
├── layouts/
│ ├── _l.***.scss
│ └── ...
├── typography/
│ ├── _t.***.scss
│ └── ...
├── components/
│ ├── _c.***.scss
│ └── ...
├── utilities/
│ ├── _u.***.scss
│ └── ...

Design Tokens:

design tokens are theming/styling constants defined in a JSON file. They are trasnpiled into multiple formats to be shared across platforms (SCSS, IOS, ANDROID...).



Tokens generation use style-dictionary, a great tool developed by Amazon.


They are the generated tokens files that you may use, and they are built in a platform-specific directory.

when working with sass, tokens are imported from the _all-settings.scss sub bundle

├── build/ (the generated tokens files)
│ ├── scss/
│ │ └── _tokens.scss (imported into _allsettings.scss)
│ ├── js/
│ │ ├── tokens.js (flat list of exported ES6 constants)
│ │ └── tokensObject.js (javascript object mainly used for documentation purpose)
│ ├── ios/
│ └── android/
├── properties/ (the source files directory)
│ ├── color/
│ │ ├── base.json (base colors)
│ │ ├── font.json (font related colors)
│ │ └── etc...
│ └── other props dirs...



Right now the tools are composed only of SCSS/PostCSS tools.

good to know

We are using Postcss to build SCSS files. The SASS compiler is included into the postcss plugin list, no need to install it on your project.

│ ├── postcssPluginConfig.js (an array of PostCSS plugins to build the scss files)
│ ├── css-pipeline.js (useless right now)
│ └── styleLintConfig.js (stylelint config)

Web fonts:


├── LeroyMerlinSans-Web-Italic.woff
└── etc...



├── LeroyMerlinSans-Web-Italic.woff
└── etc...