

The Expanded DataTable allows you to insert nested tables into your main table.

Rules for use

The Expanded DataTable can only be used in accordance with the following rules:

  • A column containing an expand button must always be present in the rows of your table
  • The icon of the expand button should always reflect the open or closed status of the line concerned
  • Nested tables must never contain checkbox elements.


Import the settings and the datatable scss files.

@import 'settings-tools/all-settings';
@import 'components/c.datatable'; // mandatory
@import 'components/c.datatable-tools'; // mandatory
@import 'components/c.datatable-subtable'; // import when using the Expanded DataTable


The creation of a DataTable with Footer component is done using the following HTML structure:

<div class="mc-datatable">
<div class="mc-datatable__container">
<div class="mc-datatable__main">
<table class="mc-datatable__table">
<!-- Insert here all cells of your table head -->
<tr class="mc-datatable__row-parent">
Insert inside the "parent row" all cells needed.
A cell containing an expand button must always be present in the row
class="mc-datatable__row-expandable mc-datatable__row-expandable--offset-2"
<td colspan="10">
<div class="mc-datatable__row-inner">
<table class="mc-datatable__subtable">
<!-- Insert here all cells of your nested table head -->
<!-- Insert here all rows and cells of your nested table contents -->