Quality Charter
We make every effort to provide implementations of Mozaic under different technologies in order to allow the use of our Design System by as many people as possible.
However, it may happen that you want to use Mozaic on a technology or environment that we do not yet support. If you are in this case, don't panic, we have a solution for you!
We propose you to create your own implementation of Mozaic, related to the technology or the environment you want! This implementation, made by you or your team, will then be made available to the whole community, and will be "distributed" in the same way as the "official" Mozaic packages.
The Mozaic team is ready to help and accompany you as much as possible in the creation of this new package.
However, in order to maintain consistency across all Mozaic implementations, you must read our Quality Charter and then agree to follow the rules outlined on the following page.
Quality charter rules
1. English Only
All Mozaic projects must be in English. Both the documentation and the naming of the files.
Find out more, by reading our naming conventions, here and here too.
2. In line with the group's strategy
Mozaic is the design system for Adeo Group brands. Therefore, all Mozaic projects must be in line with the group's strategy, concerning the technologies used and to be favoured within the company.
See the tech radar for the technologies used within the group
3. Respect the brands charter
The brand guidelines must be followed in every aspect, from design principles and styles to naming conventions.
You will find all these aspects in detail on the following pages:
4. Open for contribution
In order to be in line with the group's innersource vision, all Mozaic implementations must be done on Github repositories that are accessible and open to contribution.
5. Follow an initial roadmap
The implementation of your repository should follow a defined roadmap, starting with the implementation of all Mozaic Foundations.
6. Have a showcase website
A showcase website must be set up, and this must include the various Mozaic configuration tools.
Learn more about the Mozaic configuration for:
For the creation of the website, we recommend the use of Storybook.
7. Documenting the project set-up
All elements of the project should be documented. This involves:
- Document how to set up the project
- Document how to use the projet
- Document how to contribute
8. Provide quality documentation for each component
Each of the component pages must be documented in accordance with the following points:
- Document how to use it
- Insert previews for the component and its variations
- Documenting accessibility rules
- Insert a link to the associated documentation on the Mozaic website
9. Respect a release cycle
The project must follow a regular release cycle, in order to avoid a gap between the releases of projects maintained by the Mozaic Core Team.
Note that the Mozaic team releases fortnightly a new version of Mozaic containing fixed features and/or bugs
10. Customisation
The project should allow for the customisation of Mozaic based on a token system or other equivalent method.
Learn more about tokens in the dedicated documentation.