The Year 2022 will focus on 4 major topics: Completion of the libraries, Quality & Accessibility, Product Experience & Developer Experience.
Q1 2022
- New accessible colour palette
- New components: Dataviz, Dropdown, Loader, etc.
- UX Writing guidelines
- Icon Set available in DAMEO (Adeo's CDN)
- Setup of TypeScript on Vue to improve the code's quality
- Mobile needs (Android & iOS)
- Vue3 showcase
- Stable version of the Web-Components
- Setup customisation of React library
- Icon set refactor on Figma to make updates easy and allow to keep colour overrides
Product Experience
- Design system website re-design
- ADEO theme showcase available
- Components status
- Primary-02 (LEROY MERLIN Campus) previews and usage documentation removed
- New badge called "First issue" on GitHub to identify easy issues to start to contribute on the design system
Future plans
- Continue the setup of TypeScript on other libraries
- Primary-02 (LEROY MERLIN Campus) totally removed
- Do's and Don'ts section improvement
- Components use cases previews
- CI/CD unification on all repositories
- Setup project templates with KOBI