Font scales
The font-scale mixin :
The font scale mixin returns a font-size and a line-height for a given font-size token
Always use the font-scale mixin to define font-size and line-height
Params :
: required, any value between01
corresponding to thesize.font.[xx]
: optional /xs
, default :l
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings.scss';@include set-font-scale('08');@include set-font-scale('05', 'm');
note : the fontscale mixin return a line-height ratio based on the font-size that is calculated
Using tokens and variables :
If, for some reason you are forced to use another line-height, try to use an authorized magic unit value.
Never use other font-sizes values than the dedicated tokens
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings.scss';.some-classes { font-size: $size-font-05; line-height: $size-line-05-l; // using the corresponding token // or line-height: $mu200; // any magic unit value that seem fit to your use-case}