Text colors
the font-color mixin :
Use the font-color()
mixin to set an othorized text color to an element.
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings';.example-text { @include set-color('dark'); // is equivalent to : color: $color-font-dark;}
Font color tokens and mixin recap:
SCSS var | mixin | color | hex value |
$color-font-primary-01 | @include set-color('primary-01') | brand 1 | #78be20 |
$color-font-primary-02 (no longer maintened) | @include set-color('primary-02') | brand 2 | #007574 |
$color-font-darkest | @include set-color('darkest') | black | #000000 |
$color-font-darker | @include set-color('darker') | darker grey | #222020 |
$color-font-dark | @include set-color('dark') | dark grey | #3c3738 |
$color-font-light | @include set-color('light') | light grey | #554f52 |
$color-font-lightest | @include set-color('lightest') | white | #ffffff |
$color-font-danger | @include set-color('danger') | red | #b42a27 |
$color-font-warning | @include set-color('warning') | yellow | #c9a21b |
$color-font-info | @include set-color('info') | blue | #2282a8 |
$color-font-success | @include set-color('success') | green | #41a017 |