
You need to create the bundle SCSS file (ex: src/bundle.scss) that you want to build.

Import paths:

If you configured PostCSS properly, you don't need to specify the full relative path to the node modules directory, you can import directly from the @mozaic-ds/styles directory :

// Don't do this:
@import '../../node_modules/@mozaic-ds/styles/settings-tools/all-settings';

// Do this instead:
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings';

If you can't do this, this means that you don't use the Mozaic postcss config, which is mandatory for Mozaic to work as expected.

Import the settings/tools bundle file:

What's inside?

  • SCSS variables
  • Mixins
  • Functions

This import is mandatory and all the other SCSS files depend on it.

It contains also many useful tools for your own use.

Compiling a file importing only settings would output an empty file.

// mandatory
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings';

Import Mozaic SCSS files:

It is important that you follow our ITCSS/ADS import order:

ITCSS/ADS architecture

The import order within the same ITCSS category does not matter.

// mandatory
@import 'settings-tools/all-settings';
// Generics
@import 'generics/g.***.scss';
@import 'generics/g.***.scss';
// Elements
@import 'elements/e.***.scss';
@import 'elements/e.***.scss';
/*... etc ...*/